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Jakarta: “Successful Client Handover”

From a 5-month delay to on-time handover.

  • Presenting Project Environment:

    Approximately 30% into construction of this 48-story high rise, the project was estimated to be running 5 months behind schedule. As with many lump sum contracts, siloes had formed and solidified. There were obvious pressures built up between the engineering and construction teams. Effective communications, the required relationship and working as a unified team had been worn away. What was present were disempowering views, gossip and criticisms about one another. Even so, the team worked hard but with no sense of accomplishment. Owners stated that there was little confidence that the project would meet its required handover date.

  • Work Scope:

    HIP began by conducting a “cold eyes” review of the project, its progress, real status and of all the participating entities. In reality, the number of critical path issues were in fact being managed to an acceptable rate by the contractor. However, missed deadlines and the inability to extract clear commitments had created a chasm. 

    Collaborative cross entity working sessions were conducted in bite sized 2-3 hours timeframes. The purpose was to restore the required sense of connection & relationship, clarify actual accomplishments, implement new effective communication protocols, shift from avoiding failure to seeking success and co-develop 3-month performance challenges to pull the project back on track for a successful tenant handover.

  • Final Project Outcomes:

    Negativity was neutralized, the teams began working with each other rather than merely in their siloes, critical engineering and management functions located on site, aligned communications replaced aggressive site instructions and meetings reduced from 4 hours with thirty people to 1.5 hours with a dozen influencers.

    The end result was a successful, on-time handover to a critical client and the avoidance of any liquidated damages or legal escalations.